thai massage
Chinese Acupuncture
Thai foot reflexology
This technique incorporates massage, stretching, and the use of a Thai massage stick to provide a deeply therapeutic experience that not only soothes the feet but also benefits the entire body.
Pain & Neurological Disorder
Muscle pain, Migraines, Sports injuries and more.
Digestive Disorders
Acid Reflux, Chronic loose stools or constipation and more.
Mental Health
Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Stress & Tension and more.
Women's Health
Infertility, Menstrual Disorder, Menopause, Reproductive issues and more.
Skin Disorders
Acne, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema and more
Miscellaneous Conditions
Autoimmune Disease, Tinnitus, Diabetes, Overweight and more.
Unfortunately, we are currently don't have a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) available at our clinic. We are looking forward for the RMT to join our team next year.
Walk-in appointments are not accepted as there is no front desk staff available.
Yes, it is a clinic policy, that all first time patients are required to complete and sign an online intake/consent form before you arrive to your first appointment. This form can be found in every first appointment email that our automated appointment system sent to you. It can also be found in your patient profile in our booking system. The form is integrated with our booking/health record system and is not on our website. Please contact us if you cannot locate the intake form and we’d be happy to email it to you.
Please check the price list at book online page. We accepted major credit cards, cash, E-transfer. We are currently don't have the debit machine.
You will remain fully clothed for a Thai massage, so you should wear clothing that is comfortable. Nothing too tight, baggy, or slippery. Access to the skin might be needed for some treatments, if so, appropriate draping will be used. Keep in mind that balms, and massage oil may be used that could possibly stain clothing. If you must eat before your appointment make sure it is a light meal. Talk to your massage therapist about what you should expect during your appointment. Let them know if you have any particularly sensitive areas or spots you want to target. Keep an open mind and expect a totally different kind of massage.
Thai massage can be manipulated to suit each patients. You can request that your therapist use soft or deep pressure. The massage therapist will also watch each patient’s reaction to deep pressure, and will make adjustments accordingly. However, if your body isn’t used to stretching or acupressure, there can be some soreness after your massage. When the soreness subsides the next day, you will feel great and feel less tension.
You will losing up tension and stiffness, get more flexible and feeling very good after the treatment, but for those who never receive the treatment before may have a little bit sore but no worry it will be gone in a day or so.
This depend on your overall health and your body’s physical condition. After you received the treatment, the massage therapist will make recommendations regarding the frequency at which you should receive a massage and which areas should receive the most focus. Some patients should get a massage weekly or every other week to help alleviate pain or to focus on problem areas. But for those without a physical problem should get a massage at least once a month to decrease tension, stiffness, stress, and to prevent problems before they happen. There’s an old adage that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It is much easier for us to help you prevent a problem than it is for us to help you fix a problem. It’s never too soon to make change to benefit your health, including eating well, taking up some form of exercise, getting enough sleep, and getting a massage to keep you in good health.
Acupuncturists utilize the meridian points (or acupuncture points) in order to treat a wide range of conditions affecting the patient. These needles are only inserted at a shallow depth into specific points. Acupuncture can treat many conditions such as musculoskeletal conditions, psychological conditions, skin conditions, respiratory conditions, bell’s palsy, insomnia, and much more. Dry needling is usually performed by a physiotherapist or a chiropractic physician, and the needle is usually larger than traditional acupuncture and goes directly into the affected muscle. The physiotherapist or chiropractic physician will insert these needles into a trigger point (painful or sensitive area in the muscle) of the injured muscle(s). Dry needling is used only for musculoskeletal conditions and helps relieve muscle adhesions and knots.
In Chinese medical theory, acupuncture works by balancing the body’s Qi. Qi can be described as a form of bioenergy that runs along 12 major meridians. If Qi gets blocked, it shows up as an imbalance or illness. Basically, if you have a health condition, some part of your body’s system is out of whack. Chinese medical theory allows us to diagnose the imbalance and balance it. In Western medical theory, acupuncture appears to work by stimulating parts of the brain. It also stimulates the body to release natural biomolecules such as neurotransmitters, vasodilators, and hormones. The exact mechanisms which bring this about are unknown, but the effects are measurable. A good example of this is the use of acupuncture to induce labor. One of the first things that Chinese medical students learn is that there are a few points that are absolutely forbidden to use with pregnant women. These points cause the release of oxytocin, which is the hormone that naturally induces labor. Studies have shown that using acupuncture to induce labor reduces the active (painful) phase of labor by an average of 3.6 hours.
After an initial evaluation, a trial course of acupuncture is recommended. This usually consists of four to eight visits during a three to four-week period. while individual cases vary, some improvement should be observed within this period. If satisfactory results are achieved occasional follow-up visits may be required to maintain balance. Just as with other forms of treatment it is possible that some patients may require long-term care. The number of treatments varies depending on patient condition and individual constitution. Chronic problems generally require more treatment than acute problems. Some patients notice an immediate improvement, while others may not notice the effect until the seventh or eighth visit. A small number of patients will experience worsening of symptoms as the body’s energies are returning to normal, but this is usual and is followed quickly by improvement. In addition, preventative treatments and treatments for general well-being may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
1860 Queen St E, Toronto
The Beaches
Call or Text:
Clinic Hours :
Mon – Sat 10:00am – 7:00pm
Sunday – CLOSED
By Appointment Only